Page 11 - Valentino Cattelan - Credere is credit and creed: trust, money, and religion in western and islamic finance
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IANUS n. 29-2024                       ISSN 1974-9805

               informed every theory and practice... Its being pure relation (and in this aspect
               representative,  in  fact,  of  its  times),  without  incorporating  any  content  of  the
               relation, does not contradict it at all. Since in the reality, energy is nothing else
               than relation» .
                  If, as highlighted by the influential post-war German cultural theorist Hans
               Blumenberg , it is certainly true that money stands as Simmel’s ‘proto-metaphor’
               for  Life  in  the  latter’s  nascent  Lebensphilosophie,  the  Life  of  money  itself,  as
               commented by Robert Savage, «turns out to be pure circulation, sociation, and
               interactivity,  an  endless  cycle   of  extensions  and  intensifications  of  value
               emerging through processes of social exchange» .
                  Money, both as ‘material’ (when in the present form of price) and ‘energy’
               (when in future form of credit) of any exchange, enjoys the metaphysical quality
               of being absolute medium, so «to realize the possibility of all values as the value of
               all  possibilities» .  At  the  same  time,  while  projecting  the  singular  (present or
               future) exchange in the whole of economic Life of a certain social group, it also
               mirrors  this  Life  into  the  single  life  of  each  social  relation   as  the  ‘place’  of
               meaning either for price (in the present) or credit (in the future).
                  Furthermore, the practice of money-exchange in any symbolic form becomes
               necessarily inserted in a sociological landscape (space) and horizon (time), whose
               actors may act either according to the prevalence of personal or impersonal ties.
               These  alternative  socio-types  (which  coexist  in  economic  and  financial
               interactions, since they are complementary in most human experiences) can be
               described  in  terms  of  ‘community’  (Gemeinschaft)  and  ‘society’  (Gesellschaft)  of
               credit  when,  respectively,  human  relations  are  grounded  on  personal  or
               impersonal ties in the management of money.

                  23  Quoted in DENEAULT (ed.), Georg Simmel. L’argent dans la culture modern et autres essais sur
               l’«économie de la vie», 2006, 5 (Author’s translation from the French language).
                  24  BLUMENBERG, Money or Life: metaphors of Georg Simmel’s philosophy, in Theory, Culture & Society,
               29 (7/8), 2012 (trans. From the German original version of 1976 by Savage), 249-262.
                  25  On the connection of this idea of ‘endless cycle’ to Afterlife, hence religion, see the last section
               of this article.
                  26  BLUMENBERG, Money or Life: metaphors of Georg Simmel’s philosophy, op. cit., 249.
                  27  SIMMEL, The philosophy of money, op. cit., 221.
                  28   INGHAM,  Money  is  a  social  relation,  in  Review  of  Social  Economy  (Special  Issues  on  Critical
               Realism), 54 (4), 1996, 507-529. See also MAURER, The anthropology of money, in Annual Review of
               Anthropology, 35, 2006, 15-36.
                  29  The initial paragraphs of this section are taken from CATTELAN, The Life of EU money: value,
               credit and capital as societal processes, in GIMIGLIANO - CATTELAN (eds.), Money law, capital, and the
               changing identity of the European Union, London, 2022, 1-2. See also CATTELAN, Sacred Euro: sovereign
               debt(s) and EU’s bare credit in the Corona crisis, in GEPHART (ed.), In the realm of Corona normativities: a
               momentary snapshot of a dynamic discourse, Frankfurt, 2020, 195-208.
                  30   The  two  types  of  ‘community’  (Gemeinschaft)  and  ‘society’  (Gesellschaft)  were  originally
               conceptualized by German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies (1855-1936): TÖNNIES, Gemeinschaft und
               Gesellschaft,  Leipzig,  1887.  They  respectively  correspond  to  two  possible  modalities  of  social
               grouping,  where  Gemeinschaft  lies  in  mutual  bonds,  close  personal  interaction  and  feelings  of

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